Adding Ubuntu Microfocus Data Protector Backup Client...

 Adding Ubuntu Microfocus Data Protector Backup Client... 

Please note that Data Protector doesn’t support installing locally on Ubuntu, you have to use a HP-UX/Redhat Linux DP installation server 

To install DP Backup client into a Ubuntu.

On Ubuntu Client:

root# apt-get install rpm

root# which rpm

"will tell you that the following rpm is used:"


root# echo $PATH

The Ouput will tell you that


is before /usr/bin

So I created a file


containing the following line

/usr/bin/rpm --force-debian $@

root# vi /usr/local/bin/rpm


/usr/bin/rpm --force-debian $@


root# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/rpm

Now edit the .omnirc file on the Redhat Installation Server to include the following:-

root# vi /opt/omni/.omnirc

Add below Parameter in Omnirc file :


this will make the installation to use SSH ).

After all the above done you can Install DP Backup client to the Ubuntu server successfully.

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