Broadcom-CA Spectrum SRM Backup & Restore

Broadcom-CA Spectrum SRM Backup & Restore

Backup and Restore the Spectrum Reporting Manager (SRM) reporting and Archive databases.


1. Start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

2. cd to the $SPECROOT/mysql/bin directory

Enter the following command to backup the reporting database.

./mysqldump --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf --routines --databases -uroot -proot reporting > {backup filename}.sql

Enter the following command to backup the archive database.

./mysqldump --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf --routines --databases -uroot -proot archive > {backup filename}.sql

3. Start tomcat


1. Start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

2. cd to the $SPECROOT/mysql/bin directory

Enter the following command to restore the reporting.

./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -proot reporting < {backup filename}.sql

Enter the following command to restore the archive.

./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -proot archive < {backup filename}.sql

3. Start tomcat


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