Having trouble starting Spectrum Archive Manager | Broadcom CA Spectrum

This article will show you how to fix the DDM database if it has been corrupted in CA Spectrum Archive Manager.

When we check the CA Spectrum log files we see the below Error in $SPECROOT/SSS/DDM/ARCHMGR.OUT ARCHMGR.OUT log:

"Native error: 145, table './ddmdb/event' is marked as crashed and should be repaired" 

Please follow below steps to resolve this error.


·        Open a bash shell by running "bash –login

·        cd to the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM directory

·        Remove the .DDMDB.LOCK file if present and Archive Manager is not running

·        Run the following command: 

./ArchMgr -repair

Once it is completed, start the Archive Manager with Spectrum Control Panel.

If the above repair was not successful, try below command to force repair the Archive Manager


./ArchMgr -force –repair

If still the Archive Manager is not starting, please run the below command to do the database check on the MySQL database

  • cd to <SPECROOT>/mysql/bin

run ./mysqlcheck -uroot -proot ddmdb

If errors are found, mysqlcheck will attempt to aut-repair them. If for some reason there is issue with the repair, you can try to Force Repair: 

./mysqlcheck -f -r -uroot -proot ddmdb


Also we can set Archive Manager to repair automatically, but be aware that for larger databases, this can cause significant delay in Archive Manager startup.

  • add the following line to <SPECTRUM>/SS/DDM/.configrc: AUTO_REPAIR_DB=TRUE
  • save and restart Archive Manager from Spectrum Control Panel


NOTE: Starting in Spectrum 10.3 CA Spectrum using MySQL InnoDB Engine.


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