MS SQL Advance Interview Question with Answer - Part 2

Here are some more advanced Microsoft SQL Server interview questions with answers:

1. What are SQL Server Views, and why are they used?

Answer: SQL Server Views are virtual tables that are defined by a SELECT statement and can be used to encapsulate complex logic, simplify query writing, and provide an additional layer of abstraction for data retrieval. Views are stored in the database and can be used to filter, join, and transform data from one or more tables, making it easier to retrieve specific data subsets without the need to write complex queries repeatedly. Views can also be used to restrict access to sensitive data by providing a controlled interface to the underlying tables, enforcing security and data integrity rules.

2. What is SQL Server Replication, and how does it work?

Answer: SQL Server Replication is a feature that allows you to replicate data from one SQL Server instance to another, either within the same server or across different servers. It is used for maintaining data consistency, availability, and scalability in distributed databases or for data integration between different systems. SQL Server Replication uses a publish-subscribe model, where changes made to the published tables are captured and stored in a replication log, and then delivered to the subscribing servers, where the changes are applied to the corresponding tables. Replication can be configured in various ways, such as snapshot replication, transactional replication, and merge replication, depending on the requirements of the data synchronization.

3. What are SQL Server Triggers, and how are they used?

Answer: SQL Server Triggers are special types of stored procedures that are automatically executed in response to specific events or actions, such as inserting, updating, or deleting data in a table. Triggers are used to enforce data integrity rules, implement business logic, and perform automatic actions based on changes in the database. Triggers can be written in T-SQL, CLR (Common Language Runtime) or even as server-level triggers, and they can be used to perform actions before or after the triggering event occurs. However, triggers should be used judiciously, as they can introduce complexity, performance overhead, and potential for unintended consequences if not implemented carefully.

4. What are SQL Server Constraints, and why are they used?

Answer: SQL Server Constraints are rules that are defined on a table to enforce data integrity and ensure that data meets specific criteria or conditions. Constraints are used to maintain the consistency, accuracy, and reliability of data in the database. There are different types of constraints in SQL Server, including:

        · Primary Key Constraint: Ensures that each row in a table has a unique key value, used to uniquely identify the row. Primary key constraints prevent duplicate key values and are used as the primary means of identifying a row in a table.

     · Foreign Key Constraint: Establishes a relationship between two tables based on a common key column, enforcing referential integrity. Foreign key constraints prevent the insertion of data that violates the relationship between the tables.

        · Unique Constraint: Ensures that the values in a column or combination of columns are unique within the table. Unique constraints prevent duplicate values in the specified columns.

       · Check Constraint: Defines a condition that must be true for data to be inserted or updated in a table. Check constraints validate the data against the defined condition and prevent data that does not meet the condition from being inserted or updated.

     · Default Constraint: Specifies a default value for a column that is used when a value is not provided during an insert operation. Default constraints provide a default value for a column if no value is provided explicitly.

5. What are SQL Server Transactions, and how do they work?

Answer: SQL Server Transactions are units of work that are used to ensure the consistency, isolation, and durability of database operations. A transaction is a sequence of one or more SQL statements that are executed as a single unit, either

6. What is SQL Server Locking, and how does it work?

Answer: SQL Server Locking is a mechanism used to control concurrent access to shared resources in a multi-user database environment. When multiple users or processes are trying to access and modify the same data simultaneously, SQL Server uses locking to prevent conflicts and maintain data integrity. Locks can be granted for different levels of granularity, including at the row, page, or table level, and can be of various types, such as shared locks, exclusive locks, update locks, and more. Locks are acquired by a transaction when it starts and are released when the transaction is committed or rolled back. Locking can impact performance and scalability, and it is important to understand how to use and manage locks effectively to avoid contention and optimize database performance.

7. What are SQL Server Indexes, and why are they important?

Answer: SQL Server Indexes are database objects that provide a fast and efficient way to look up data based on the values in one or more columns of a table. Indexes improve query performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned or sorted, and by providing direct access to the relevant data pages. Indexes can be created on one or more columns of a table, and they can be of various types, such as clustered indexes, non-clustered indexes, and filtered indexes. Indexes are important for optimizing query performance, speeding up data retrieval, and improving the overall efficiency of the database. However, indexes also have some overhead, such as increased storage space and maintenance costs, and it is important to carefully design and manage indexes to achieve the desired performance benefits.

8. What are SQL Server Stored Procedures, and why are they used?

Answer: SQL Server Stored Procedures are database objects that are used to encapsulate a series of SQL statements into a single executable block of code. Stored Procedures are pre-compiled, stored in the database, and can be called by name from an application or other parts of the database. Stored Procedures are used to implement business logic, enforce data integrity, and provide a secure and efficient way to execute database operations. Stored Procedures can take parameters, return values, and perform complex data manipulation or transactional processing. They are important for improving performance, reducing code duplication, and providing a secure and controlled way to access and modify data in a database.

9. What are SQL Server Extended Events, and how are they used?

Answer: SQL Server Extended Events is a lightweight and flexible event tracing framework that is used for monitoring and troubleshooting SQL Server performance, activity, and behavior. Extended Events allow you to capture, analyze, and interpret events that occur within the SQL Server engine, such as query execution, resource usage, error conditions, and more. Extended Events provide a flexible and efficient way to collect detailed performance data, diagnose performance issues, and gain insights into the behavior of the SQL Server instance. Extended Events can be configured to capture specific events or conditions, and they can be used in conjunction with other monitoring tools to gain a comprehensive understanding of the performance and behavior of SQL Server.

These are just a few examples of advanced Microsoft SQL Server interview questions. It is always recommended to thoroughly study and prepare for the specific requirements and expectations of the job and company you are interviewing with, and to be familiar with the latest features and best practices of SQL Server. Good luck with your interview!

10. What is the difference between a clustered and a non-clustered index in SQL Server?

Answer: In SQL Server, a clustered index determines the physical order of data in a table, whereas a non-clustered index does not affect the physical order of data. A table can have only one clustered index, which determines the physical arrangement of data on disk, while multiple non-clustered indexes can be created on a table. Clustered indexes are typically used on columns that are frequently used in range-based queries or for retrieving data in a particular order, while non-clustered indexes are used for providing fast access to specific columns or combinations of columns.

MS SQL Advance Interview Question with Answer - Part 1

MS SQL Advance Interview Question with Answer - Part 3

MS SQL Basic Interview Question with Answer

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